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Seizing the "Giant" Opportunity vs Following the Trail of Breadcrumbs -- Are You Missing Out?


Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Be Wyld Child came from a place of following my hands and listening to my intuition. I had been making things for a long time and simultaneously asking the universe to use me and my particular gifts to give something beautiful to this world. When my hands moved from making jewelry to making solid lotion, I heard a whisper that said, "This is something". Then, "Put this out into the world." I did just that, and suddenly I was being guided down a river I never knew existed before I said "yes" to that moment.

Creating something from pure love, universal whispers and intuition is a far cry from then trying to steward this wonderful little line of creations into something that resembles a business. Lately, I spend more of my time studying the business part of things and learning about my patterns with money and abundance, (and how to market and what SEO actually means), than I do in that dreamy state of pure inspiration.

And, fulfilling orders is also not that state, but it's something that feels good, kind of like when you finish folding your laundry and neatly put it away. Our souls need some tasks that give us a sense of grounding and completion. I do still get to dabble in product creation and bringing new things forth but now I weave it into the structure of creating what I already know I need to for markets and wholesale orders and that's a great balance.

Recently, a little gremlin that has come to visit me me. It's this idea of "missed opportunities" that comes from a place of lack and scarcity and fear, of not being enough, of thinking something will pass me by, of not being supported. It also comes from the training I had when I was young. The idea of being left behind if I don't make certain choices or of "getting things right". Anyone else remember the phrase, "There's a right way and a wrong way to do things." Well, guess what? there are soooo many other ways between that perception of right and wrong. And this entire little business isn't based on "right" or "perfection", but about being willing to be a open portal for products and ideas to flow through me and then being brave enough to put those out into the world to find people who need and want them.

As I navigate the scary voices that wake me up in the night and get me to think I am missing the boat, I have to do a lot of allowing the voices and fears to rise. As they get louder, I breathe and try to make space for them because if I don't, they become hungry wolves that circle my home, tearing and frothing, rather than tired, scared dogs who just want a place to rest. If let them in, stoke the fire, feed them warm stews and tell them "it's ok, there is a reason you are scared," and then we take a little time, they start to calm down. If I do this enough, they start to transform, just like we've all seen scared animals do.

After I've fed the wolves, eventually, as I am making again, noticing the good things, and taking baby steps, I become less afraid and intuition starts to whisper again. As my hands start to move, I am shown little things to do. The truth is, we never really understand how things unfold. What we deem the important thing could be nothing. The big meeting, the email we need to get out, showing up at that particular market, could all be something, or nothing. And yet, sometimes, sweeping the front porch, or taking a moment to greet a neighbor or taking a luxurious bath might just be what leads us to the next level we are needing to reach. Following my hands, following the breadcrumbs, noticing the good, gathering my gratitude, these are all things that help lead me toward this new life of service - of giving my heart to the world. Abundance comes in so many ways - connection, financially, joy.

I am learning to let go of the "idea" of most important more and more, to not grasp so hard at what I think will get me somewhere. I picture myself in this phase of business as someone who is swimming in the ocean, not yet beyond the breakers and getting slapped around by waves. But at the same moment, I have gorgeous moments all around me, dauphins swimming by, warm sunshine, others also swimming with me and the ocean is buoyant and helping to hold me up. And struggling doesn't work, there is a wisdom to conserving energy in the challenging parts of where we are and part of that is certainly in learning to allow it all. Another part is following those little inklings we hear calling us forth.

I am just hearing myself being called to go do dishes and make some batches for my upcoming markets so I will run!

I hope this holiday season we all learn to struggle a bit less and find more of the flow of grace we all have the ability tap in to. And, I hope we see you at a market or two. Thank you each, for being a part of our journey at Be Wyld Child. We wouldn't exist without you.

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